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por Mansfield, Katherine; Kerr, Rosalie [adaptador/a]; Scott, Susan [ilustrador/a].
Tipo: materialTypeLabelLibroEditor: REINO UNIDO :OXFORD ,2008 Descrición: 99 : ilustración portada en cor; ilustracións interiores en b/n ; 12.1 x 0.8 x 19.8 cm + Audio download.ISBN: 9780194792240.Resumo: Oh, how delightful it is to fall in love for the first time! How exciting to go to your first dance when you are a girl of eighteen! But life can also be hard and cruel, if you are young and inexperienced and travelling alone across Europe... or if you are a child from the wrong social class... or a singer without work and the rent to be paid. Set in Europe and New Zealand, these nine stories by Katherine Mansfield dig deep beneath the appearances of life to show us the causes of human happiness and despair.
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